Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Updates Soon

Come back to visit our blog soon. All of the Christmas fun will be up in a few days. We're really going to keep this updated, because part of our family is flying the coop. They want to see what Marty and I have been up to. So, I'm going to get my rear in gear. Love, Debbi (This grama's not senile yet.)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Pioneer Children

Our ward primary children sang at the mall during it's Historical Fair. The kids all looked great, but of course mine were the cutest. haha. They sang and walked up and down the mall.

Drama Queen Grace

Grace has found her calling in life...the theatre. She starred in the base play, Snow White, as one of the seven dwarves. She was the comic relief named Tambourine, who's only line was "Oh yeah!" said with any and every emotion you could imagine. She was great!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Jake & Sarah's B'days :)

What a Party!! A great evening of swimming, eating and just plain having fun with the over 90 family and friends that showed up! Good snacks, cupcakes and plenty to drink. Thanks Rebecca, Andy, Melissa and whoever else made this a great time for all!! I'll post more pictures when i find more time...Poppa :)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Debbie & Marty's 33rd Aniversary :)

Me and Deb on our 33rd Anniversary enjoying some Joe's Crab Shack food! We had a great time in downtown Sacramento with a suite overlooking the river. Dinner was followed with the premier of "Les Mesarables" at Music Circus...it was awesome! This was fun! I love my wife of 33 years! Gosh we are getting old! Sorta ha ha!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Eliza Jeanne Wilkins..She's a cutie...Grandpa, Grandma and Melissa were having fun last night taking picutres, this was one of them...Poppa :)