Saturday, January 5, 2008

January came in as a Lion!


Marty and Debbi said...

Wow, we could not believe what we woke up to this morning! Only a couple of backyard items broken. The house and windows got though ok. We are still due one or two more storms, so we will see. Those limbs come flying down like javelins, so we are reaaly lucky no real bad damages.

Bethany said...

Debbi that is insane! The yard looks like a jungle! They could finish shooting the rest of "Lost" in your backyard! It's such a good thing that no windows were broken or anything. Our BBQ was the only thing knocked over. Beware of future storms!

The Baker said...

I didn't even really know the storms were that bad, we couldn't believe it.

Carie said...


WOW, so great to see everyone and their blogs..........I added all the links on my blog, hope that is ok. We love you guys. Thank you for sharing with us!!!

Carie Mark and Kyle

Carie said...

How do you do your background and top title all fun like that?? I am so computer illiterate!!!!!

Love your page.

Bethany said...

I tagged you! Make an entry of 6 quirks/habits about yourself:)


I'm just waiting for your next posting of more Disneyland pics. I can't believe I didn't take one of you and dad. How did that happen? Oh well. Talk to you soon. Love, Rebecca