Thursday, April 3, 2008

Easter 2008

We missed the Armstrongs but we had a great afternoon and evening with the family. Our grandkids are sooo beautiful and handsome. It is such a great blessing to see & be with our children and their families. What a great reminder of the plan of our Father that we are all together forever, sharing and just being together is all I ever want. We thank our brother Jesus Christ for his great sacrifice and our Father in Heaven every day for the great opportunity we have to be part of this great plan here on earth. We hope every day that we will be worthy of this great blessing of our family and all the good things they are learning and teaching us to be better parents and children of the Father and that we can all enjoy the blessing of uniting again as a great heavenly family with all those that we love. I can't wait to see and sit at our Savior's feet and hear all that he has to say and teach to us still.

1 comment:

AuntTweedy said...

Hey, folks!

Since I'm "down and out" (for the time being), I spent part of the afternoon re-aquainting myself with your branch of the family tree. Glad that I did. What a swell way to keep in touch and let all know that life is good and all is thriving in the Patrick Family. (Too bad that Aune & Joe couldn't have hung around long enough to meet them all!!!)

Feeling better every day and looking forward to my visit to the (cute, Mormon) Surgeon--who I'm hoping will release me to become a vehicle passenger--or better yet--a Driver. I've been on restriction for far too long. The "up" side is that I've lost over 10 lbs in less than 2 weeks. (Kind of an expensive weight-loss program BUT, whatever works, huh?)

PF Chang's tonight. Been dreaming of those honey-crusted prawns. It loses a little in the transport, however, LOVE that place! Hope that you all get a chance to read my comments. "Hi" to all. Pinch the kids. Our love, Leon & Tweedy.